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4 Feng Shui Tips to a Successful Life

Many people see Feng Shui as a complex theory that has lots of rules to follow. But Feng Shui is actually a simple yet effective practice to manage your environment in such a way that it may enhance your chances of being prospered, happy, and successful in life. Having a perfect house to breathe in positive energy is not a compulsion in Feng Shui. You can set up your environment to achieve your goals and become successful by just obeying a few tips and doing a few steps.

So, discussed below are four key elements to a successful life with Feng Shui:

Feng Shui your Eating Habits

You can start by rearranging your refrigerator. You should avoid putting junk food in it. Though it seems easy to follow, it is difficult, especially when you live with other family members or roommates. But it is important to Feng Shui your refrigerator to increase your probability of being successful in life.

Also, never put fresh vegetables in bins and drawers in your refrigerator. Instead, put sodas, cookies, cakes, and other such unhealthy items in the bins and closed boxes. Put fresh vegetables in front so that when you open the door, you can first see fresh vegetables. This will motivate you to eat healthy food instead of junk food.

Feng Shui your Shopping Habits

Do you know why malls, restaurants, retail shops, etc. give attractive deals and offers to credit card users? So that customers can shop using their credit cards more and more. People spend more when they use credit cards. You should use credit cards less or in fact, should stop using them. Prefer cash or debit cards over credit cards and eliminate unwanted spending.  

Feng Shui your Workout Routine

If you want to improve your fitness, you will have to increase the exercise sessions you do in a day. You will need to Fengshui your floor. If you put a rug on the floor, you can place your exercise mat under the carpet. This will make it easy for you to sit down on the floor and do your favourite Yoga pose or some exercise. You can also put a yoga mat near your bed instead of a rug. By this, you will get inspired to do some push-ups, warm-ups, and stretching exercises right after you wake up and leave your bed in the morning.

Feng Shui your Career

Is having a prosperous business or a bright career in your job on your wish list? You have to make presentations, write content, edit articles or videos, make business strategies and you need focus and concentration for all these. Make a list of all the distractions first. Such things may be your TV, your comfortable sofa, games installed in your smartphone, or anything that distracts you at the time you have to focus to your work. You can make your TV remote out of your sight, stick to your study/work table and avoid taking rests on your sofa, make your phone silent, and so on while you are working. Have control on your willpower when you take a 5-minute rest between your work time, as it doesn’t take a lot to convert a 5-minute of break into a 30-minute rest or hours of engagement to non-productive activities.

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