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Fengshui Tips on House Selection

Looking for a house can be an overwhelming task. When it comes to matching a good Feng shui it becomes more difficult. Most of us try to mend already our flawed house with tips and hacks related to Feng shui. But, in reality, it cannot be mended. So, it is important to buy a house with good Feng shui that will surely benefit you and your family. If you harness the positive energy of Feng shui, it will surely enhance wealth, happiness, and health among your loved ones.

Discussed and described below are a few important Fengshui tips on house selection that you must keep in mind while buying a house:

House near a Cemetery or a Burial Ground Bring Bad Luck

You will often find houses and properties near a cemetery or burial ground. They are often cheaper compared to other houses in the area. Many people are not economically well to do and hence choose to buy a house near a burial ground. But according to Feng Shui, a burial ground or cemetery is often considered to bring bad luck. There is this presence of energy that is considered Ying in nature. If this energy enters your house, your family will be affected psychologically and will feel a great deal of uneasiness, discomfort, and paranoia. Hence, it is not a good idea to stay near a cemetery. But there is an exception; if you want to buy one, try to look for a busy road that separates your living area from the graveyard.

Houses at the End of the Street

According to Fengshui, houses that are located at the end of the street are often regarded as bad. ‘Why’ you ask? This is because a lot of energy flows through the road. It can be good energy or bad energy. Now all the energy flow through the road slams into the house located at the end of the street. Some of the level of energy slams onto the house with a lot of force. The intensity of energy can have a bad effect on the residents living there. Hence avoid buying a house located at the end of the street.

Houses with a Square Floor Have Positive Energies

If you do not get a good house within your budget try to look for a house with a square or a rectangular floor. It is easy to get attracted to irregular plans and such building structure might look dramatic and interesting. But, those often have serious energy problems and are not an optimal place to live especially, with your family. These energies, if not tackled properly, might become an issue later on in your life. Instead, look for a square or a rectangular plan as they have better positive energy. They will help you retain peace and happiness among you and your loved ones.

Houses near a Water Body Attracts Positive Energies

Water is considered one of the important elements in Feng shui. The flow of water is regarded as positive energy. The constant accumulation of water can increase wealth and positive Qi energy. It is very auspicious to have a water body that is calm near your living area. Your house will be surrounded by positive energy.

Wrapping Up

Fengshui is a deep subject and these above-discussed just four tips are not it. There are obviously many more things that you can consider while buying a house. But you have to always start from somewhere and these are the most important and common Fengshui tips on house selection that you should always take into consideration while selecting an apartment or a house.

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