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How to Stop Panic Attacks Forever?

There are hundreds of anti-panic advice and solutions available on the web. You can read as much as you want, but it will work only when you will work hard on it. Your panic is a state of your mental health and you cannot expect to get rid of it overnight. But you can definitely get rid of it. Panic is something your body has learned over years. So, to cure this state of anxiety and panic, you will need to dedicate some time of your life every day. There are many strategies and solutions for it. Let’s find out how to get rid of panic attacks forever.
What Will You Need?
To stop panic attacks, you will need the following things:
·        30-60 minutes of your time committed to curing panic attacks daily,
·        Lavender Oil,
·        A healthy lifestyle, and
·        A cure program
How to Get Rid of Panic Attacks Forever?
Stopping panic attacks permanently is possible. It takes a combination of medicines, therapy and natural remedies. Relying on any one particular thing seldom helps. But the right combination can make your panic go away and never come back ever again. Let us see how.
1.    Acceptance: The hardest part for most of the people is to accepting the fact that they are having panic attacks. Thus, the most important task is to identify and accept the problem. Acceptance does not mean just accepting it to yourself. Acceptance means to start doing all that you have stopped in the fear of an attack. It means putting yourself in the position of getting a panic attack. It is generally known as “facing your fears”. But apparently, it is the best and the foremost solution to your condition.

2.    Deep Breathing: Panic attacks are caused due to the upsurge of epinephrine you have because of stress and anxiety. In most cases, when the panic attack starts, the extra adrenaline released leads to hyperventilation. It is a state where you start breathing very fast and feel as if you are having the deficit of oxygen to breathe normally. To counter that state, you need to calm down and slow your breathing. Focus on deep breathing from your belly. Resist the temptation to follow the thoughts that arise in your mind and concentrate on your breathing pattern. Take a deep breath for 4-5 seconds, hold it for 4 counts and exhale for 6-7 seconds. This exercise will help in decreasing the effect of the attack.

3.    Healthy Life: Certain lifestyle changes affect very highly over the mental state. A healthy lifestyle is not a difficult one. But the small changes usually make huge impacts. Sleep deprivation and dehydration are often known to increase the likelihood of tenseness and anxiousness. So you should always try to avoid sleep deprivation and always keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water because you could lose a lot while sweating when having an attack. Along with lifestyle changes, diet changes also help a lot. Eliminate soda, caffeine, and sugar from your diet. Moreover, it has been found that exercise also helps equally as medication. So try to fit in an exercise schedule in your day.

4.    Distractions: To cope with stress, make your mind busy on something else to focus on. You can take part in the activities that give you happiness or are relaxing in nature. Going on a trip, meeting your loved ones or doing fun activities will distract your mind from stress. Such activities are filled with positive emotions and being outdoors will help your brain learn to not focus on the stress anymore. Gradually, you will be able to develop the mental skill of keeping the anxiety levels under control.

5.    Lavender: Aromas affect stronger than we realize. Lavender has healing properties and is a natural remedy to cure anxiety and other nervous conditions. Incorporate the use of lavender in your daily routine to keep your mind calm. You can do that in the following ways:
Ø  Add lavender essential oil to your bath.
Ø  Add few drops of lavender oil to a tissue and keep it under your pillow while sleeping.
Ø  Use lavender essential oil in aroma diffuser.
Ø  Apply lavender oil on cotton balls or on your fingertips and massage on your temples.
Ø  Use lavender massage oil and get a body massage.
Ø  Inhale lavender oil, especially after therapy or a workout.
6.    Therapy and Medication: All the natural remedies and lifestyle changes do affect the panic levels and help calm the mind. But it does not mean that your condition does not need medical attention. Medicines help in coping with stress and curing panic attacks immediately and temporarily.

Getting rid of panic attacks need help from professionals. It is not something you can do on your own. Sure, you will play the most important part but curing it completely needs the guidance of experts.