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Why You Should Have Red Grape Seeds in Your Diet

We always keep talking about balanced diets and wholesome meals. Along with our diets, we include supplements to provide our bodies with more nutrients. The Internet is flooded with information about fad diets and supplements. This clouds our vision to such an extent that we are unable to see the goodness that is served by nature right in front of our eyes. Red grape seeds are one such goodness, nature has provided us with.
Red grapes are a delicacy but the seeds that are packed with superior nutrients are often neglected. Loaded with antioxidants, red grape seeds are full of OPCs. OPCs are oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes that help extinguish free radicals from the body. These antioxidant properties have their own perks. If you are battling with premature age signs, red grape seeds extract can help you to a great extent.

Red Grape Seeds in Your Diet

Talking about oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, let us see how these make red grape seeds beneficial:
  • Resveratrol: OPCs are correspondent to resveratrol. Resveratrol is a compound, a phenol, which is found in grape skin. Researches have shown that resveratrol is beneficial for those suffering from cardiovascular and skin diseases. Some researches even suggest that this compound has cancer-fighting properties.
  • Procyanidin Dimers: Procyanidin Dimers are found in high concentration in grape seed extract. These compounds are aromatase inhibitor. This means that they inhibit the action of aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme which manipulates hormones and changes androgen to estrogen. Aromatase activity is found in patients with breast cancer. Therefore, inhibiting the activity of this enzyme can help fight cancer.
Apart from these, the OPCs have anti-allergic, antiviral, antibacterial and Vasodilatory properties. Along with OPCs, grape seeds also have power packed nutrients such as Vitamin E, linoleic acid, and flavonoids. Flavonoids reduce bad cholesterol and decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Red Grape Seeds for Your Health

So is it worth including red grape seeds in your diet? Grapes seeds are sure magical when it comes to health benefits, but do you really need them? If you are looking for answers to these questions, read along.

Health benefits of red grape seeds

Red grape seeds have answers to some serious health conditions. If you are fighting against an illness that doesn’t seem to go away, grapes seeds might have an answer. Below are some conditions, grapes seeds and red grape seed extract are known to eradicate:

  1. Metabolic Syndrome and High Blood Pressure: Red grape seeds are loaded with nutrients that protect the blood vessels against damage and injury. Damaged blood vessels often lead to fluctuations in blood pressure. These fluctuations lead to an overall increase in the blood pressure, which further causes cardiovascular conditions. Red grape seeds enlarge the blood vessels and lower the overall BP, preventing metabolic syndrome.
  2. Diabetes and Metabolic Conditions: People with diabetes battle continuously with blood pressure, lipid and weight loss/gain issues. Kidney and neuropathy are other issues diabetics have to deal with all their lives. Thanks to red grape seeds, these conditions can be easily challenged. Grape seed extract can help people with diabetes and other metabolic disorders when inculcated with diet and exercise.
  3.  Alzheimer’s: Hippocampus is an integral part of our brain, responsible for the storage and retrieval of memory. Degeneration of hippocampus can cause Alzheimer’s and other cognitive impairments. Grapes seeds are known to prevent and repair cognitive degeneration. Grape seed extract can be used as a therapeutic approach to counter Alzheimer’s and related disorders.
  4. Improved Functioning of the Heart: Resveratrol, the amazing compound found in grapes seeds, helps keep the heart in optimum condition. Resveratrol works with flavonoids and keeps bad cholesterol at bay. These two compounds work together to keep blood pressure in check, prevent blood clots and heart-related conditions.
  5. Healthy skin: As we have discussed above, the number of antioxidants present in grapes seeds is high. These are 20 times more potent than those found in Vitamin C. Antioxidants protect the skin from contamination that comes mainly from pollution. The antioxidants from grape seed extract protect the skin from harmful toxins. They also improve the elasticity by repairing the collagen.
  6. Varicose Veins: Grapes seeds are known to increase blood circulation. These wondrous seeds improve the quality of blood, veins, and arteries by dilating them. This can help people with conditions like leg swelling and varicose veins. The proanthocyanidins present in grape seed extracts are responsible for the improved blood circulation.
  7.  Depression and Mental Health: Tofranil is an antidepressant, used to treat major depression and anxiety. It is a strong serotonin reuptake inhibitor. The proanthocyanidins have serotonin increasing properties. Serotonin is a neurochemical that prevents depression. Thus, proanthocyanidins have been found to be excellent anti-depressants and anxiolytics.

Other Sources of Antioxidants

When we talk about antioxidants, apart from grape seeds, another antioxidant source comes to the surface. The source that we are talking about is pine bark. This is yet another antioxidant rich ingredient, which is also loaded with oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes. Pine bark is very useful for people with diabetes, erectile dysfunction, skin diseases, inflammation, hearing issues and immunity related disorders.

Pine Bark vs. Red Grape Seeds

Comparison between pine bark and red grape seeds becomes inevitable, especially when they share so many properties. Both of these nature’s gifts are great antioxidants and rich in OPCs.

However, there are subtle differences among them. Pine bark contains a component, which is known as Pycnogenol. Pycnogenol is a patented product, which makes it highly expensive.
Furthermore, the structure of oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes is different in both of them. It has been proven that the OPCs found in Red Grape Seeds are far better than those found in Pine Bark.
Pine Bark is more of a commercial product. On the other hand, red grape seeds are naturally occurring and can be consumed naturally.
Overall, Red grape seeds are far better than pine bark because of the following factors:
  • low-cost
  • better ingredients
  • more health benefits


If you are looking for nutrient packed food or battling with certain health conditions, red grape seeds might be the answer to your questions. All you have to do is munch on a handful of these seeds or take them in extract form. The antioxidant properties are potent enough to rejuvenate your system and help you keep your health at an optimum level.

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds: Why You Should Add Hemp to Your Diet

In the past, people were not aware of the nutritional benefits of hemp seeds. The reason may be the fact that hemp has botanical relationships with some cannabis. But, these do not own any psychotropic effects. Rather, they have a high medicinal profile.
This post talks about these nutritional benefits. Also, we discuss the reasons that justify the addition of Hemp seeds to your diet. Let’s check out the countless benefits it holds.
What are Hemp Seeds?
Hemp is a type of cannabis plant with some unique features and, like cannabis, it also contains a certain percentage of tetrahydro-cannabinoids (THC). TCH is the psychoactive constituent present in cannabis.
It is necessary to take note that hemp seeds contain very low amounts of THC, not enough for you to feel the effects of being high. Moreover, these seeds are very nutritious and contain healthy fats, protein, minerals etc.
Essential Constituents in Hemp Seeds:
One ounce of Hemp seeds contain 160 calories, and above 3 grams of carbohydrates. It has 9 grams of protein, 12 grams fat, 15 milligrams of Vitamin E and a lot more essentials. The important constituents present in Hemp Seeds are:
  • Essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6),
  • Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA),
  • Antioxidants and Amino Acids
  • Fibre
  • Essential minerals such as iron, Sulphur, Copper, Phosphorus, Potassium, and zinc
  • Carotene and Phospholipids,
  • Important Vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, D, and E
  • Plant extracts like chlorophyll and enzymes

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds:
Add Hemp seeds to your daily diet and experience the amazing benefits. Here are some notable benefits of Hemp seeds. Check them out!
1. Rich in nutrition:
These are very nutritious seeds. They contain 30% fat. They contain two essential fatty acids, i.e. omega-6 and omega-3. Hemp seeds are also rich in protein.
2. Reduce the risk of heart complications:
Hemp seeds reduce the risk of heart complications because they contain amino acid arginine. This compound produces nitric oxide in the body.Nitric oxide dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

3. Beneficial in skin diseases:
Hemp seeds contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These help in toning the skin and reduce itchiness and eczema like problems.
4. Treat premenstrual syndrome and menopause:
Today, a huge percentage of women suffer from these diseases. Research has revealed women consuming Hemp seeds are better cured of these abnormalities.
5.  Rich in Protein:
Hemp seeds contain more protein like beef and lamb. 30 grams of hemp seeds have 11 grams of protein. Thus, you can rely on hemp seeds as a plant based source of protein. Hemp seeds contain Gamma-linolenic acid. And, this compound acts against prolactin in curing these diseases.
Experience the Power of Hemp For Yourself
Hemp seeds have many uses and benefits. You can see this ingredient in body care products and cleaning products.They also show benefits in curing arthritis and joint pain problems.

The recommended daily dosage Hemp Seeds can be between 30 grams to 40 grams. People suffering from chronic diseases also consume higher doses. The chronic problems can be high BP, heart disease, or eczema. Or, it can be circulation problems, arthritis, obesity etc. Hemp can be added to your daily diet to improve your health and ensure you are getting the right nutrients in your body. Experience the power of hemp today!

How Cannabis Can Help You Sleep

Getting a good night's rest is important for our health and how we function the next morning. Fortunately, cannabis can help you sleep throughout the night. It can cure many sleep troubles and the grumpiness that comes with no sleep. Find out if cannabis can be your sleep solution and how it can help.

Which type of cannabis can help you sleep?

If you’re not already well-versed on the different types of cannabis, now is a good time to learn. Different strains of cannabis have different effects on your body. Sativa is more of a mood-lifter. When some people take it, they tend to feel more energetic and happy.

On the other hand, indica tends to make people more sleepy. It’s the common choice of people looking for a night-time sleep aid. Chemical testing hasn’t shown a definite reason as to why it’s so effective for sleep. However, some people believe that indica has a higher terpene content and terpenes is what makes each strain so unique. Whether they’re right or wrong about the science behind it doesn’t matter. All that matters is how cannabis can help you sleep.

How Does it Work?

Indica has a calming effect that can help decrease your stress levels. When you’re high, it’s much easier to relax and that can be exactly what you need to fall asleep. If pain, insomnia, or any other conditions prevent you from falling out, cannabis can help with that. Taking cannabis before bed can help relieve pain and help you relax you enough to put you to sleep quickly.

In addition to putting you to sleep faster, it can also help with your breathing. Breathing trouble in your sleep due to sleep apnea can cause you to wake often but cannabis may help with that. Some research has been done on the effects of cannabis on sleep apnea, and cannabis seemed to help. More research needs to be done on the subject. But it’s quite possible that marijuana can help people who don’t sleep because of sleep apnea.

What Should You Know?

If you want to sleep soundly with cannabis, there are a few things you should know. First, you should consider taking edibles. Edibles are known to take longer to kick in but it can also help you sleep longer too. Keep in mind the dose and make sure you don’t overdo it if you don’t feel any effects right away. If you stick to the recommended dose you will sleep well.

Finally, you should try cannabis with a natural sleep aid. When it comes to sleep, you need all the help you can get. Chamomile, lavender, and hops can work together with cannabis. They form a powerful natural sleep aid. It may be a combination that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep longer.

What are Terpenes?

If you have some idea about Cannabis, then you might have come across the word “Terpene”. Cannabis is unique in many aspects and different strains contain unique tastes, aromas and uses. Terpenes are responsible for the different tastes and smell we sense with our taste buds. Read ahead to have a deeper understanding of Terpenes and their role in cannabis plants.

Chemistry of Terpenes:

Terpenes are some form of unsaturated hydrocarbons volatile in nature. Essential oils of various plants such as conifers and citrus plants contain Terpenes. The chemical formula of Terpene relates to a cyclic Carbon-Hydrogen molecule of C10H16.
Let’s simplify this a bit. Have you ever smelled a lemon or a clove? Aren’t they unique in their aroma and help you distinguish them? Yes, of course! That’s it all about. Terpenes are the aromatic oils present in cannabis and other herbs. These give them their fragrant diversity. The secretion of these oils takes place in the flowers and their sticky resin glands. The same glands are also responsible for producing cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, etc.

Occurrence in Nature:

Nature has not isolated the presence of Terpenes to Cannabis alone. These are also found in plants like rosemary, mint and basil. However, Cannabis has a wide array of terpenes and there are over 200 that have the ability to interact with the cannabinoids in the plant.

Medical Uses or benefits:

Medical research has shown that Terpenes contain health benefits and are useful in many treatments and therapies. As it interacts with cannabinoids of plants, it can also act on the endo-cannabinoid system. These work like an assistant to cannabinoids. They can pierce through the blood-brain barrier. Terpenes help in enhancing the permeability of the cells. For example, Myrcene is a terpene that increases the permeability of cells. It helps in quicker absorption of cannabinoids like THC.

Terpenes can stimulate the neurotransmitters present in the brain. For instance, it can influence the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Limonene is a kind of Terpene has the power to upsurge the production of serotonin in one’s brain. This helps in elevating the mood.

Common Terpenes:

There are huge varieties of Terpenes found in cannabis and other herbs. Each one has a distinct chemical composition and trait. Few of them are Myrcene, Linalool, Limonene, Caryophyllene etc.

Three Popular consumption methods that don’t involve smoking

Many people hesitate to use cannabis because they dislike the idea of smoking. But guess what? You don’t have to inhale anything to experience the effects of cannabis. You can get high and reap the medicinal benefits without having to use your lungs. These three popular consumption methods let you experience cannabis smoke-free.

1. Edibles
Who doesn’t like to eat? And if you’re one of the many people who enjoy food, you should be rejoicing. Because in addition to giving your tastebuds a treat, marijuana edibles can get you high.
Marijuana edibles come in all shapes and sizes. You can find lollipops, brownies, peanut butter cups, mints, and many other foods infused with cannabis. Edibles give you a more body-focused high, so they’re great if you’re trying to escape from pain.
One thing you should know about edibles is that they are very potent, and take much longer time to take effect. It can take an hour or two for it to kick in, so stick to the recommended dose and don’t get too impatient and end up eat eating one too many brownies.

So good food isn’t your thing? That’s cool. You can experience cannabis with a tincture. Tinctures are made from cannabis extract infused with alcohol. Before cannabis was prohibited as medication, tincture was the most common form of it. There’s no need to smoke cannabis and there’s no need to blow your daily calorie intake with a cookie infused with it.
To take your tincture, all you need to do is drop your dose under your tongue. You also don’t need to be a chemist to get the measurement right. It’s easy to measure and just as easy to put in your food. Without changing the flavor, you can put your tincture in your juice, soup, or ice cream. CBD Tinctures are also available if you do not want to feel any psychoactive effects after consumption and are simply looking for the benefits.

3. Topicals
If you’re against putting anything cannabis-related in your mouth, that’s fine too. You can use a topical. Cannabis topicals include lotions, balms, and oils that have been infused with cannabis. When you rub a topical on your skin, it can relieve any pain in the area as well as reduce swelling and inflammation.
Most topicals (except for transdermal patches) don’t give THC the chance to reach your blood. So, you won’t feel the psychoactive effects of being high with it. Instead, you only get localized pain relief. While some people might see that as a downside, others might prefer this kind of relief.
Topicals are most commonly used to treat pain or soreness but the great world of medical marijuana is shining some light on its other possible uses. Topicals may also work on relieving headaches, dermatitis, cramping, and itching.
Try a New Consumption Method Today!

Now that you know you can get the amazing benefits of cannabis without the smoke, there’s no reason to hesitate. Indulge in an edible, try a tincture, or skip the high with a topical. No matter which method you try, each of them have their own effects that can be incredible and beneficial to your overall health.

10 Best Iron Supplements for Your Health

Iron Supplements are a combination of iron salts that are used to cater to iron deficiency. Iron deficiency occurs due to an imbalanced diet and lack of iron intake or iron absorption. Deficiency of this nutrient is also very prevalent in women owing to their menstruation.
Thus, iron supplements are very crucial and everyone must use them in order to prevent health issues. Since the pharmaceutical market is packed with various iron supplements; you must be confused about which iron supplement to prefer. In this article, we will give you a list of 10 best iron supplements that you can get your hands on. We will guide you in choosing the most fitting iron supplement for your health. 

Benefits of Iron Supplements

As we have discussed earlier, Iron supplements help you keep your iron levels in check. People nowadays take these supplements along with their meals. Below is a list of the benefits that Iron Supplements give you.

  • A majority of people take imbalanced diet, which lacks a lot of essential nutrients. One of them is Iron. As we all are aware, deficiency of iron can have serious implications. To cover up for the lack of essential nutrients, Iron supplements can be very useful.

  • Majority of women face iron deficiency due to their menstrual cycle. Some women suffer from haemorrhaging or excessive bleeding which can gravely deplete the levels of Iron. This blood loss cannot be compensated with just a balanced diet. Iron supplements can help recover the blood loss in 2-3 months’ time.

  • Iron supplements can combat problems like hair loss. It not only stops the hair from falling but also promotes the growth of healthy and glossy hair. There have been cases where people with male pattern baldness got better with iron supplements. These cases proved how efficient iron is for hair fall issues.

  • Iron supplements improve the quality of the skin. Anaemia or lack of iron can make your face awry and tired looking. This paleness comes from the lack of sufficient blood in the body. Iron supplements remove the paleness from the skin and promote a pinkish glow.
  •  A very bad implication of Anaemia is fatigue and tiredness. Anaemia can hamper your physical strength and attentiveness. Iron supplements can increase your physical performance and reduce fatigue and loss of attention.
  • Another health benefit of iron supplements is that they boost your immunity. Iron is required for a lot of immunity functions such as the creation of oxygen species that are meant to fight against malignant organisms and protect the body.

List of Top 10 Best Iron Supplements in the Market

As the name suggests “Nature Made Iron” is a natural and organic iron supplement. It accelerates the formation of red blood cells using its natural content. It does not contain yeast, starch, gluten, artificial flavouring and added preservatives. The potency of these supplements is equal to 325 mg ferrous sulphate. Ingredients of “Nature Made Iron” supplement are Ferrous sulphate, cellulose gel, dibasic calcium phosphate, croscarmellose sodium hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol and polysorbate. This supplement has proven to be very effective for many users.

Nature Made Iron Supplement
  • No artificial flavours
  • Purely organic in nature
  • No conventional bitter taste
  • Gluten free
  • Doesn’t contain yeast
  • No side effects
  • Fast results
  • Available at a high potency only
  • Swallowing the medicine is little hard; tends to melt in the mouth
  • Gives nausea to some people
Blood Builder is a multifunctional iron supplement. It contains properties to not only increase the levels of iron but boosts your body’s capacity to absorb the iron content. It further aids to your fatigue with its complementary nutrients. This supplement has mineral-bound yeast that makes digesting these pills rather easy. The ingredients used to manufacture these supplements are handpicked from the farms to ensure that every tablet is packed with goodness and freshness of whole foods.
MegaFood - Blood Builder Iron Supplement
  • Contains Vitamin C and Vitamin B12
  • Can be taken on an empty stomach.
  • Easy to digest
  • Organic Ingredients
  • Aids to body’s iron absorption capacity
  • Boosts body’s energy
  • Tastes bitter
  • Is a little high on calories
  • Gives nausea to some people
Gentle Iron Vegetable Capsules, as the name suggest, promotes the production of red blood cells while keeping it light for the stomach. A lot of iron supplement users complain about gastrointestinal irritation, but these tablets contain Iron Bisglycinate. Iron Bisglycinate is known for efficient absorption in order to have a non-constipating and gentle effect on your digestive system. These tablets are non-GMO and gluten free. This product does not contain dairy, yeast, sodium, artificial flavours and preservatives.
Solgar - Gentle Iron Vegetable Capsules
  • Gluten Free
  • Does not contain Dairy
  • No artificial flavours or sweeteners.
  • Organic Ingredients
  • Easy to digest and non-constipating
  • Boosts your energy
  • Results can be slow
  • Can cause diarrhea to some people
  • Size of the tablet is big
Vitron-C is an iron supplement which is high in potency. This iron supplement contains elemental iron that helps you restore your healthy levels of iron. It also contains Vitamin C that helps your body to absorb iron more effectively. Iron supplements that are multifunctional are preferred over plain iron tablets. These tablets are easy on the gut and non-constipating. Its high potency helps in fast restoration of the iron reserves.
  • Contains Vitamin C
  • Does not cause diarrhea
  • Easy to digest and non-constipating
  • High potency ensures effective iron growth
  • Easy to swallow
  • Boosts your energy
  • Can have some side effects
  • Can leave a bad aftertaste
  • Gives nausea to some people
  • Has a bad smell
Garden of life iron supplements are packed with whole foods that are rich in iron, vitamin C, folate, and B12. All the ingredients used in these supplements are fit for vegans. These tablets include enzyme blends for a better digestion. Garden of Life iron supplements are gluten-free, dairy-free and free from artificial fillers or flavouring. Vitamin C is also present in these tablets that will increase the iron absorption in the body.
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy free
  • Contains Vitamin C, B12, and folate
  • Organic ingredients
  • Effective
  • Easy on the stomach
  • Aids to the immunity, eye care, and reproductive system
  • Can cause headaches
  • Can cause anxiety, palpitations, and fatigue
  • Can give diarrhea
EZ Melts Iron are quickly melted and absorbed iron supplements. They aid to your immunity system, the health of the cells and your physical performance. These tablets are effective and good in taste. These capsules contain carbonyl iron for optimum effects. They also have Vitamin C to aid to the body’s iron absorption capacity. These are fast melting capsules with a pleasant orange taste. They are manufactured in the USA and they do not contain Gluten, GMO, artificial flavours and sweeteners.
EZ Melts Iron
  • GMO-Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Contains Vitamin C
  • Fast melting tablets
  • Tastes pleasant
  • Natural colouring and flavouring
  • Aids to the immune system
  • Can give unpleasant burps
  • Might leave a bad aftertaste
  • Gives nausea to some people
Feretts Iron Supplements are 106 mg of Elemental Iron manufactured to regulate levels of iron. These tablets go easy on the stomach and they do not cause constipation. Ferretts tablets do not contain soy, fish, lactose, and yeast. There are no added preservatives or artificial colouring in these capsules. These capsules help you fight the symptoms of anemia like fatigue, inattentiveness and hair loss. Healthy hair growth and improved physical performance have been observed after the intake of these tablets.
Pharmics - Ferretts Iron Supplement
  • Gentle on the stomach
  • Does not constipate
  • Quick results
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Fights fatigue
  • Easy to Swallow
  • Gives stomach cramps to some people
  • No extra nutrients
  • Gives nausea to some people
Zahlers Iron Complex is an iron supplement that caters to all the forms of anemia, stemmed from the deficiency of iron, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid. Zahlers Iron Complex has the required nutrients for the restoration of healthy levels of iron and red blood cells. They are also packed with Vitamin C to increase the iron absorption capacity of your body. These tablets are easily digested and are non-constipating.
Zahlers Iron Complex
  • Gentle on the stomach
  • Does not constipate
  • Contains Vitamin C, B12, and folic acid
  • Tastes pleasant
  • Easy to Swallow
  • Aids to the immune system
  • Gives stomach cramps to some people
  • Gives nausea to some people
  • Does not mention if it is suitable for vegans
Feosol iron supplements are high in potency and are made of ferrous sulphate. As they are high in potency it makes them effective for people with severe anemia. They contain milk and are not suitable for lactose intolerant people. These should not be taken on an empty stomach as that can cause constipation. These tablets have a triangular shape which makes the consumption easy. These supplements also show a quick result.
Feosol Iron Supplement
  • Effective results as it is high potency
  • Does not constipate
  • Tastes pleasant
  • Very fewer side effects
  • Easy to Swallow
  • Boosts your energy levels
  • Contains milk
  • Gives nausea to some people
  • Contains food colouring
Iron Plus supplements are designed to restore red blood cells, improve your physical performance, and attentiveness. Iron Plus Supplements contain Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid. Iron Plus claims to restore healthy levels of iron in a very short period of time. These supplements contain Iron Glycinate which is known to be gentle on the stomach. These pills do not cause nausea, constipation or diarrhea. They are small in size thus easy to swallow and do not leave an unpleasant aftertaste. These tablets do not contain GMO.
Pure Micronutrients- Iron Plus Supplement
  • GMO Free
  • Contains Vitamin C, B6, and B12
  • Quick results
  • Doesn’t give nausea or diarrhea
  • No constipating
  • Easy to swallow
  • Doesn’t give a bad aftertaste
  • Smells unpleasant
  • Product does not have a safety cap
  • Might give chest pain to some people

A Beginners Guide on How to Choose Best Iron Supplement for You

How to Choose Best Iron Supplement for You

1. Get your Hemoglobin/Iron checked: The first step is to get your levels of hemoglobin or iron checked. It is important to monitor your levels of iron, so you should get it tested regularly. As discussed previously, low levels of iron can cause serious complications. So on the basis of your test results proceed with your hunt for iron supplements. If you are severely anemic, you would require a quick and efficient supplement. In case, you are marginally anemic, a low dose of iron supplement can suffice you.

2.    Check for your allergies: A lot of iron supplements contain gluten, dairy, wheat, soy etc. You should be aware of your intolerances and allergies. There is an array of iron capsules that are gluten free, dairy free and soy free. In case, you’re gluten intolerant or lactose intolerant, consumption of capsules that are not gluten free and dairy free can cause serious problems. So you should check with your doctor and be sure of your allergies before starting any medication.

3.    Check if you want to opt for a vegan iron supplement: Being vegan is a rage these days. There are a majority of people who have become vegan and that are what they look for in their iron tablets. If you are a vegan too then you should do your research as the pharmaceutical market is full of drugs, fit for vegans.

4.    Check for the potency you require: On the basis of your level of deficiency, your body would require the needed level of iron potency. Iron supplements that are high in potency work more effectively as compared to the ones that are low in potency. If your iron reserves are severely depleted then you should opt for a high potency iron supplement. Supplements with higher potency tend to give you side effects like constipations, stomach cramps etc.

5.    Check if you have a sensitive stomach: Iron supplements have a tendency to go hard on the stomach. Iron salts present in the supplements can make digestion hard. Some iron supplements can result in constipation as well. Some iron supplements provide enzyme blends that make the digestion of iron supplements easy. So if you already have a sensitive stomach you should be extra careful with your selection of iron supplements.

6.    Multifunctional Iron Supplements: Some Iron supplements just cater to iron deficiency but some iron supplements are multifunctional. Iron supplements that contain Vitamin C are preferred over plain iron tablets. Vitamin C helps to increase the iron absorption capacity of your body and helps you derive the most from your diet and supplements. Some iron supplements also contain Vitamin B6 and B12 as well so make sure that your iron is well packed with nutrient and you don’t have to consume extra multivitamins. 
7.    Get your iron re-tested to monitor the results: After at least 3-4 weeks of intake of iron supplements, get your levels of iron tested again. If your iron level has increased, then it implies that your iron supplement is suiting your body. In case your levels of iron have remained the same or worse, have lowered then you should change your iron supplement.