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How Missing Corners Affect Your Fengshui

If you buy a house and it is not square or rectangle in shape, the house is considered to have a missing corner. According to Fengshui, a house is considered as a body and a missing corner often suggests that something is wrong with the house. There is a certain level of imbalance residing in the house. According to the Ba Gua theory, an imbalance can be harmful. It can bring about a lot of ominous energy to the people living in the house.

Discussed below are the importance of the corners in a house and how missing corners affect your Fengshui:

Missing Corner in the East

East is the place where Zhen gua resides. Zhen gua represents the eldest son of the household (30-45 years males). If the East corner is missing from the house, the family members start experiencing health problems.

Missing Corner in the Southeast

Xun gua resides in the southeast. Xun gua represents the eldest daughter or any eldest female member. If the house does not have a southeast corner, family members start suffering from sciatic nerve pain. If the outside environment does not match well with the interior design, it can be more serious.

Other than health problems, there are many other ill-effects of a missing southeast corner of a house. Unmarried people find difficulty in getting married. According to Fengshui, the southeast represents the corner of wealth. The declining of luxuries, problems in sex life, and difficulty in having a baby are also some of the effects of a missing southeast corner.

Missing Corner in the Northwest

Qian gua resides in the northwest region. Qian gua represents the father or male member of the family. If the house does not have a northwest corner, family members start suffering from high blood pressure, headache, insomnia, and lung disease.

Other than health problems, monetary fluctuations are also prevalent. Members run out of money easily. They also deal with development problems and achievements.

Missing Corner in the Southwest

According to the Ba Gua theory, Kun gua resides at this place. It represents the mother or any female family member over 45 years. People, living in a house where the southwest corner is missing, often suffer from stomach problems.

Missing Corner in the South

At this corner, Li gua resides and it represents the middle-aged female members of the family. Members might suffer health problems and immense bad luck in the year of the ram, horse, and snake.

Missing Corner in the North

Kan gua is the one who is present in this corner. Kan gua represents the middle-aged male members of the family. If the house does not have a north corner, members are likely to suffer bad health and career problems.

Missing Corner in the West

Dui gua resides in the west. It represents the youngest female member. A House missing corner in the west can cause debts, disagreements, and disputes.

Missing Corner in the Northeast

Gen gua stays in the northeast. Gen gua represents the youngest male member of the family. People living in the house of the missing northeast corner can suffer from arthritics and scald.

Other than health issues, the missing northeast corner of a house also results in poor education luck. People having confused minds and finding difficulty to make a decision are common in such houses.

How a Cluttered House Affects Your Fengshui

Fengshui helps positive energy to flow throughout the house to prosper and grow. Life itself comprises growth, evolution, and movement. For anyone who lacks these fundamental elements in their life, the energy that helps us to grow and evolve starts diminishing. This can be understood with the example of a light bulb. Imagine not having enough energy to light the bulb and it continues to grow dim and burn in a weak state. This is exactly what happens with our life. When you do not declutter your house, the energies cannot thrive well and ultimately our life becomes weak too.

So, let’s explore how a cluttered house affects your Fengshui and how can you correct it:

The Entrance

Not only in Fengshui but also in general, we all believe that the entrance of a house is very important. This is because the energy flows through this region and enters our house. In Feng shui, entrance is often regarded as the Mouth of Chi and holds the utmost position when it comes to importance. If you keep a lot of things around this area, positive energy cannot flow into your space. There are many people who feel a sense of heaviness at the entrance while entering or leaving the house because of blockage. So, make sure you keep the area clean for a smooth flow of positive energy.

The Hallway

Now hallways represent our journey of life. A hallway connects to different rooms, also represents the path leading to new beginnings. A cluttered hallway will lead to a lot of stagnation in all areas of our life. It is important to keep the hallway clean and help the energy flow freely into the house.

The Kitchen

In Feng shui, the kitchen represents prosperity and health. Keeping the kitchen de-cluttered will help the positive energy move around freely and support the happiness of our life. Make sure you keep all the items you use clean and washed properly as this will help in maintaining the overall wellbeing of your health.

The Bedroom

The bedroom is the place where we rest and recharge ourselves for the next task. It's a relaxing area and keeping it clean is a must. Make sure you do not shove anything under the bed or store any clothes or materials here and there. This will cause a lot of sleep problems and health issues. If you want a good romantic life with your partner, keep the bedroom decluttered.

What Other Possible Problems You Face in a Cluttered House?

·      Inability to focus: keeping things here and there can aid in concentration problems. It doesn't let the energy work its magic. You lose the ability to focus and slowly diminish your performance

·      Increase stress: Yes, this is correct. A cluttered house can cause a lot of stress. Since the tension builds up in the house, it cannot flow out of the house. The atmosphere becomes heavy.

Now that you have understood how a cluttered house affects your Fengshui, make sure you always keep your house clean.

Fengshui Tips on House Selection

Looking for a house can be an overwhelming task. When it comes to matching a good Feng shui it becomes more difficult. Most of us try to mend already our flawed house with tips and hacks related to Feng shui. But, in reality, it cannot be mended. So, it is important to buy a house with good Feng shui that will surely benefit you and your family. If you harness the positive energy of Feng shui, it will surely enhance wealth, happiness, and health among your loved ones.

Discussed and described below are a few important Fengshui tips on house selection that you must keep in mind while buying a house:

House near a Cemetery or a Burial Ground Bring Bad Luck

You will often find houses and properties near a cemetery or burial ground. They are often cheaper compared to other houses in the area. Many people are not economically well to do and hence choose to buy a house near a burial ground. But according to Feng Shui, a burial ground or cemetery is often considered to bring bad luck. There is this presence of energy that is considered Ying in nature. If this energy enters your house, your family will be affected psychologically and will feel a great deal of uneasiness, discomfort, and paranoia. Hence, it is not a good idea to stay near a cemetery. But there is an exception; if you want to buy one, try to look for a busy road that separates your living area from the graveyard.

Houses at the End of the Street

According to Fengshui, houses that are located at the end of the street are often regarded as bad. ‘Why’ you ask? This is because a lot of energy flows through the road. It can be good energy or bad energy. Now all the energy flow through the road slams into the house located at the end of the street. Some of the level of energy slams onto the house with a lot of force. The intensity of energy can have a bad effect on the residents living there. Hence avoid buying a house located at the end of the street.

Houses with a Square Floor Have Positive Energies

If you do not get a good house within your budget try to look for a house with a square or a rectangular floor. It is easy to get attracted to irregular plans and such building structure might look dramatic and interesting. But, those often have serious energy problems and are not an optimal place to live especially, with your family. These energies, if not tackled properly, might become an issue later on in your life. Instead, look for a square or a rectangular plan as they have better positive energy. They will help you retain peace and happiness among you and your loved ones.

Houses near a Water Body Attracts Positive Energies

Water is considered one of the important elements in Feng shui. The flow of water is regarded as positive energy. The constant accumulation of water can increase wealth and positive Qi energy. It is very auspicious to have a water body that is calm near your living area. Your house will be surrounded by positive energy.

Wrapping Up

Fengshui is a deep subject and these above-discussed just four tips are not it. There are obviously many more things that you can consider while buying a house. But you have to always start from somewhere and these are the most important and common Fengshui tips on house selection that you should always take into consideration while selecting an apartment or a house.

Feng Shui Tips to Attracting Wealth to Your Home

There are a lot of ways you can bring in wealth with the help of Feng shui. But alone cures will not help. If you are not willing to strive for wealth and only relying on Feng shui alone will not help. Make sure you work hard and Feng shui will aid to that extra support for fortune. Discussed below are a few Feng shui tips you can follow to attract wealth to your home:

Remove Broken Things from Your House

According to Feng shui, broken things residing in the house are not a good idea to keep. Broken things are known to suck the good energy out of the home. If you want your place to have a good energy that will attract wealth, try to scan broken things at your place, and if you happen to find any try to replace them with a new item.

Get an Abundance Jar

The Feng shui abundance container is essentially a magnet for riches. It is said to draw in and reinforce the progression of abundance energy in your home. Abundance jars are generally produced using Tibetan Buddhist sanctuaries, even though there are where you can get one of these at this point. Simply make certain to preferably pick an oriental-looking one. Although there are explicit things you can do to make your abundance container, the overall thought is to fill it with huge and thriving welcoming things, just as make it with your own reasonable goal to want for riches. You are likewise implied to keep it far away. Peruse here for more explicit directions on the best way to make your abundance jar.

Put Resources into a Fish Aquarium

Water, explicitly aquariums, is promising in Feng shui. They are said to bring an agreeable blend of abundance drawing in factors. Besides being delightful, when dealt with appropriately, aquariums are said to enhance energy in any space and this manner draws in more plenitude and abundance chi.

Get Chinese Coins

Think of it as a rabbit's foot, yet other than for insurance and best of luck, you can likewise get those metal Chinese coins for drawing in cash. You can show these in your home by draping them on the divider, or outlining them, or just setting them on any surface. You can even conceal it out of plain sight since you can in any case see it. Simply ensure the yang side; the side with the four characters is looking up. Another popular method to keep these coins is to convey them in your wallet or pocket, normally in three coins attached with red lace.

Make a Decent Working Space

Your work area, regardless of whether at home or the workplace, ought to never be confronting a divider as this makes a kind of square that sets a cap for imaginative stream and openings. If so, re-mastermind your work area so it is confronting space or a window with a view where you can feel a superior progression of energy. Setting seats before your work area for guests is likewise prescribed to help draw in flourishing.

Wrapping Up

Work hard, be honest, and follow these Fengshui tips to create an environment for positive energies to enter your house. Fortune and wealth will surely come your way.

4 Feng Shui Tips to a Successful Life

Many people see Feng Shui as a complex theory that has lots of rules to follow. But Feng Shui is actually a simple yet effective practice to manage your environment in such a way that it may enhance your chances of being prospered, happy, and successful in life. Having a perfect house to breathe in positive energy is not a compulsion in Feng Shui. You can set up your environment to achieve your goals and become successful by just obeying a few tips and doing a few steps.

So, discussed below are four key elements to a successful life with Feng Shui:

Feng Shui your Eating Habits

You can start by rearranging your refrigerator. You should avoid putting junk food in it. Though it seems easy to follow, it is difficult, especially when you live with other family members or roommates. But it is important to Feng Shui your refrigerator to increase your probability of being successful in life.

Also, never put fresh vegetables in bins and drawers in your refrigerator. Instead, put sodas, cookies, cakes, and other such unhealthy items in the bins and closed boxes. Put fresh vegetables in front so that when you open the door, you can first see fresh vegetables. This will motivate you to eat healthy food instead of junk food.

Feng Shui your Shopping Habits

Do you know why malls, restaurants, retail shops, etc. give attractive deals and offers to credit card users? So that customers can shop using their credit cards more and more. People spend more when they use credit cards. You should use credit cards less or in fact, should stop using them. Prefer cash or debit cards over credit cards and eliminate unwanted spending.  

Feng Shui your Workout Routine

If you want to improve your fitness, you will have to increase the exercise sessions you do in a day. You will need to Fengshui your floor. If you put a rug on the floor, you can place your exercise mat under the carpet. This will make it easy for you to sit down on the floor and do your favourite Yoga pose or some exercise. You can also put a yoga mat near your bed instead of a rug. By this, you will get inspired to do some push-ups, warm-ups, and stretching exercises right after you wake up and leave your bed in the morning.

Feng Shui your Career

Is having a prosperous business or a bright career in your job on your wish list? You have to make presentations, write content, edit articles or videos, make business strategies and you need focus and concentration for all these. Make a list of all the distractions first. Such things may be your TV, your comfortable sofa, games installed in your smartphone, or anything that distracts you at the time you have to focus to your work. You can make your TV remote out of your sight, stick to your study/work table and avoid taking rests on your sofa, make your phone silent, and so on while you are working. Have control on your willpower when you take a 5-minute rest between your work time, as it doesn’t take a lot to convert a 5-minute of break into a 30-minute rest or hours of engagement to non-productive activities.

Feng Shui - 4 Key Elements to a Successful Life

In feng shui, there is a five-component framework, which comes from the Taoist way of thinking. This framework takes a gander at the patterns of nature and how they cooperate to be in balance. The five components are earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. Every component is related with specific characteristics, just as tones and shapes that can be utilized as plan components on the off chance that you'd prefer to upgrade those characteristics in your home and life.

Discussed below are the 4 key elements according to Feng shui for a successful life.

Wood Element

The component of wood supports wellbeing, imperativeness, and development. It is likewise a component of bounty, so it's utilised to advance abundance and thriving too. It is communicated in green and earthy coloured tones. Enlivening components that add wood to your space are lavish and sound plants, green pads or pads, the symbolism of vegetation, and comparable. Wood is good for development and hence should be utilised properly.

Fire Element

Fire brings the energy of the sun and with it a feeling of euphoria and imagination. It is likewise a component of adoration, sentiment, and energy. Fire is addressed in the shades of red, dazzling yellow, orange, pink, purple, and maroon. To add the component of fire to your space, use candles in one of the above colours, pictures of fire, yellow lampshades, or more modest red or pink pads. Try not to go too enormous on beautiful components in the radiant reds of the fire component, or they will overwhelm your space. The fire element is very important to bring passion to your work life and overall energy.

Earth Element

Earth represents sustenance, insurance, security, and backing. It gives us an internal feeling of groundedness and harmony. In that capacity, it is a significant component to add to our furious and unpleasant current lives. The earth component is communicated in beige, sandy, and beige tones, and it is especially appropriate for the room. You can add this component using earthenware, beige floor coverings, light yellow pads, photographs and pictures of scenes, and comparative. To be successful, you not only need one element but all.


Metal brings design and order, effectiveness, and usefulness. It, likewise, disposes of interruptions and makes a feeling of quiet, clearness, and delicacy. Its tones are white and dark. Use it to adjust places that are excessively warm and comfortable, yet may do not have some design, however, be mindful so as not to abuse it and wind up making a space that is cold and unpleasant. The stylistic theme that adds the metal component to your space incorporates white cushions and carpets, dim dividers or divider embellishments, metal casings and bowls, and so forth.

Closing Thoughts

You've seen that every component is communicated through a particular colour. That means by wearing or presenting certain colours to your surrounding can bring that particular element. Follow all the Feng shui tips along with working hard to have a successful life.

Please Dispose of All the Broken Items in Your House

The negative energy that abounds in your home might not be just because of your mood. The material things which occupy your personal space also play an important part in shaping your mental state. According to the ancient Taoist practices of Feng shui, you can actually set things on the right course in your house and thereby in your life as well.

One of the ways to start off on this cleansing journey is to remove the broken items from your house.

Why Should You Get Rid of Broken Items?

According to feng shui philosophy, broken items create negative energy around you. If not that, they will at least block off the positive ones to take control of your house. Whether it is a broken mirror or a leaking tap, anything which is not in one piece can significantly impact the positive vibes in your house.

Items You Should Immediately Throw Out

Below is the list of some of the items you should not keep any longer in your house. Throwing them is the best option to fend off negative energy.

Broken Mirror

One of the first thing, you should immediately get rid of is a broken mirror. It is never good to use a broken mirror to look at oneself. In feng shui philosophy, it is believed that negative energies accumulate around the spaces where the crack or split appears. Since a mirror is the place of self-reflection, one should always use a perfect and clean mirror.

Leaky Faucet

Most people ignore their leaking faucets without worrying about its impact. A leaky faucet also symbolizes that you are letting your wealth pour out into the drain. Hence, the best thing to do here is to remove the faucet and bring in a new one to channel the flow of positive energy in your house again.

Also, a leaking tap contributes to the wastage of water. So either way, you should not keep it the way it is.

Broken Clock

A clock that is not moving is not a good indication for you. A broken clock not only serves no purpose to you but is also a source of bad energy. Damaged clocks are considered bad in feng shui and should be disposed of immediately.

Broken Doors

The door of your house is also referred to as the mouth of chi. Your door is a passageway that connects your home to the world. It is, therefore, important that there should not be an obstruction in your passage from home to the world or the other way round. If you have a broken doorknob or hinges, it is high time to replace them. By doing so, you will be able to welcome the fresh or positive energy to enter your house without any hindrance.

Things are not limited to just these items. Anything you find in your house to be in a broken or non-functioning state, you should replace them with new ones as early as possible. The place we are surrounded by always creates an impact on our mental state as well as on our health. With the practice of getting rid of broken items, you will soon start feeling more fresh and positive in your daily life than before. 

The Benefits and Harms of Walnuts for the Human Body

 It has long been known that walnuts are very beneficial for human health. They contain a huge amount of useful substances, in addition, the taste of walnuts will delight even the pickiest critics. Read Also on this article like Walnuts Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits of walnuts.

Also in the nuclei there is a lot of vitamin E and PP, iodine, phytonicides, carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and tannins.

  • improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and the metabolic rate;
  • the body's resistance to various diseases increases;
  • vascular walls become more elastic;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • nervous overstrain is relieved, it is easier for a person to cope with stressful situations;
  • the level of work of intelligence, thinking, and ingenuity is significantly increased;
  • with regular use of green walnuts, you can notice that constant fatigue and drowsiness begin to disappear;
  • the body is cleansed of various toxins and toxins, as well as viruses and bacteria;
  • green walnut prevents inflammation in the stomach or intestines;
  • You can also notice an improvement in the condition of the skin, it becomes healthier and younger.
  • Green walnuts and their peels are high in vitamins, fatty acids, and tannins

So, this product should not be eaten by people with allergies, individual intolerance and an excess of iodine in the body and alcohol tincture is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

All the benefits of this product is explained by its richest chemical composition, looking at which you can see that walnuts include the following components:

  • quinines;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins A, PP, C, E, K and group B;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • carotenoids;
Various minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, fluorine, copper, etc.

So how many calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates are in nuts? 100 grams contains:

Calorie content

656 kcal


16.2 grams


60.8 grams


11.1 grams

Alimentary fiber

6.1 grams


3.8 grams

100 grams of walnuts can replace a full meal.

Useful and medicinal properties for the body

If you regularly consume several nuts a day, you can significantly improve the general condition of the body and prevent many diseases.

Walnuts are believed to have the following effects on human health:

  • help to improve immunity and overall body resistance;
  • have a beneficial effect on digestion, prevents constipation;
  • support the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase the amount of hemoglobin;
  • reduce the risk of developing an unscrupulous tumor;
  • help in the restoration of the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • remove cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke;
  • enhance memory and improve brain activity;
  • restore vision;
  • Give strength to the body, relieve drowsiness and fatigue.

Among other things, walnuts are considered simply irreplaceable in a metropolis. 

Walnuts improve immunity, increase hemoglobin, remove cholesterol and restore vision

For women's health

Walnuts are very useful for women, they have a beneficial effect on the state of the reproductive system and help to cope with the modern rhythm of life:

  • reduce pain during menstruation;
  • increase efficiency, relieve stress, depression, and mood swings, etc.;
  • activate the brain and saturate the body with energy;
  • are excellent protection against breast cancer and other female diseases;
  • walnuts normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, which helps to prevent hormonal disruption and concomitant diseases;
  • with regular use of such a product, you can increase the amount of folic acid, which helps in the process of successful fertilization and actively prepares the female body for childbirth;
  • Also, these nuts improve the condition of hair and nails, making them stronger.

Many doctors recommend eating walnuts during pregnancy. This product helps a woman to endure all changes in the body, it is easier to give birth and to recover faster.

In addition, walnut kernels help to avoid colds and digestive problems.

Among other things, walnuts have a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system and the skeleton of the fetus.

Walnut for men

Since ancient times to read Health Benefits of Walnuts, it has been known that with the help of walnuts, you can enhance potency and increase the amount of the hormone testosterone.

Also, such a remedy normalizes the proper functioning of the gonads and improves the viability of sperm. More mature men often use walnuts to treat a disease such as prostate adenoma.

Many experts recommend that men who want to conceive a child eat 100 grams of walnuts daily.

With the help of walnuts, you can enhance potency, cure prostate adenoma

Benefits for children

You can achieve the following effect:

  • the risk of obesity is reduced;
  • the child's resistance to various colds increases;
  • learning is much easier, thinking becomes much faster;
  • improves memory;
  • Also, the child is less stressed and tired much more slowly.

It is worth remembering that you should not give walnuts to children under 3 years old in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

A child should eat no more than a handful of walnuts a day, otherwise, instead of benefit, significant harm to the body can be caused.

Harm and contraindications

If you eat more than 5-7 pieces per day, you may experience a rash in the mouth, irritation of the tonsils, diathesis, and colitis.

What other harm is possible? Such kernels should not be eaten by people suffering from the following diseases:

  • ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • skin diseases;
  • bowel disorders;
  • high skin coagulability;
  • The presence of an allergic reaction.

Walnuts are very useful, but only if all contraindications are taken into account and the dosage is not exceeded.

Walnut is contraindicated for ulcers, allergies, and hypertension

Medical use for the treatment of diseases

In folk medicine, various parts (see table):

Bowel disorders

For 7 days, every morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to eat 50 grams of nuts mixed with honey.

Inflammation of the gums

1 tablespoon of finely chopped walnut leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted until they cool completely, after which they cool, filter, and rinse the mouth twice a day.

General weakness of the body

100 grams of walnuts and 100 grams of dried apricots are turned into a homogeneous mass, the zest of one lemon, 2 tablespoons of raisins, and 2 tablespoons of honey are added to them. To increase the activity of the whole body in the morning on an empty stomach, eat a teaspoon of such a mixture.

Burns, wounds, hemorrhoids

For a speedy recovery, it is necessary for hemorrhoids to lubricate the nodes with walnut oil 2-3 times a day, and in case of skin lesions, the oil is used for various compresses.

To cleanse the body of bacteria, parasites, etc.

4 tablespoons of dried unripe walnuts are poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water and half a teaspoon of salt is added. The remedy is insisted for half an hour, filtered and drunk all day in small sips. It is recommended to take a laxative at night.


A tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted on for exactly one hour. Then the broth is filtered and taken in 100 milliliters three times a day before meals.

Boost immunity

You need to mix 100 grams of walnuts, 100 grams of figs, and 100 grams of honey. The resulting funds are consumed in a tablespoon every morning for 3 weeks.


Mix honey, pumpkin seeds and walnuts in equal amounts and take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Walnut - about taste and benefits:

A medicinal tincture of a young walnut is taken in the following cases:

  • digestive problems and stomach pain;
  • lack of iodine, problems with the thyroid gland and metabolic disorders;
  • various diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • anemia;
  • nervous strain;
  • Also, such a tool is used to remove toxins and toxins.

The tincture is taken for a month 3 times a day before meals.

When working with green walnuts, it is recommended to use rubber gloves to prevent your hands from turning brown due to a large amount of iodine.

Walnut shells also provide tremendous benefits to the body. There are several recipes for preparing such raw materials:



Cleansing blood vessels and bronchi. Help in the fight against tumors and neoplasms.

The shell of 15 nuts is crushed and combined with 500 milliliters of vodka, after which it is insisted for exactly a week in a dark and cold place, while periodically shaking. Take such a remedy 15 milliliters before breakfast.

Washing the eyes with conjunctivitis

The shell of 10 nuts is laid out into small pieces, poured with a liter of water, and boiled for 15 minutes.

Disorders of the thyroid gland.

15 grams of crushed partitions are poured with a glass of hot water and insisted on for 30 minutes in a warm place. The remedy is taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day with a course of 10 in 10 days.