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What are Terpenes?

If you have some idea about Cannabis, then you might have come across the word “Terpene”. Cannabis is unique in many aspects and different strains contain unique tastes, aromas and uses. Terpenes are responsible for the different tastes and smell we sense with our taste buds. Read ahead to have a deeper understanding of Terpenes and their role in cannabis plants.

Chemistry of Terpenes:

Terpenes are some form of unsaturated hydrocarbons volatile in nature. Essential oils of various plants such as conifers and citrus plants contain Terpenes. The chemical formula of Terpene relates to a cyclic Carbon-Hydrogen molecule of C10H16.
Let’s simplify this a bit. Have you ever smelled a lemon or a clove? Aren’t they unique in their aroma and help you distinguish them? Yes, of course! That’s it all about. Terpenes are the aromatic oils present in cannabis and other herbs. These give them their fragrant diversity. The secretion of these oils takes place in the flowers and their sticky resin glands. The same glands are also responsible for producing cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, etc.

Occurrence in Nature:

Nature has not isolated the presence of Terpenes to Cannabis alone. These are also found in plants like rosemary, mint and basil. However, Cannabis has a wide array of terpenes and there are over 200 that have the ability to interact with the cannabinoids in the plant.

Medical Uses or benefits:

Medical research has shown that Terpenes contain health benefits and are useful in many treatments and therapies. As it interacts with cannabinoids of plants, it can also act on the endo-cannabinoid system. These work like an assistant to cannabinoids. They can pierce through the blood-brain barrier. Terpenes help in enhancing the permeability of the cells. For example, Myrcene is a terpene that increases the permeability of cells. It helps in quicker absorption of cannabinoids like THC.

Terpenes can stimulate the neurotransmitters present in the brain. For instance, it can influence the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Limonene is a kind of Terpene has the power to upsurge the production of serotonin in one’s brain. This helps in elevating the mood.

Common Terpenes:

There are huge varieties of Terpenes found in cannabis and other herbs. Each one has a distinct chemical composition and trait. Few of them are Myrcene, Linalool, Limonene, Caryophyllene etc.

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